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The pastoral ministry of our parish encompasses the celebration of Holy Mass and other sacraments as well as various paraliturgical devotions, catechism of children, ministering to the youth, families and the sick. Our parish, as an ethnic one, invests its pastoral care and concern primarily to all the faithful who speak Polish. However, it is a fact, that the younger generation has been raised in Canada and finds it easier to communicate in English; therefore, we try to meet their religious and spiritual needs in the English language. We do not, of course, exclude any other English speaking nationalities. It is natural that we are maintaining the traditions and customs of our homeland and we are experiencing our faith in a specifically Polish way. We try to keep and strengthen the faith of our fathers through participating in Holy Mass and receiving the holy sacraments. Children and youth have opportunities to get to know and to deepen the truths of our faith by participating in catechism classes. The youth have their own special get togethers and the children have their Holy Masses on Friday’s and Sunday’s. As is possible, we endeavor to provide quick assistance to married couples and families who are experiencing various problems and difficulties. We also remember our oldest parishioners who often are sick and who are living in nursing homes and such facilities.
July 2014 »