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Fr. Andrzej Sowa, OMI (2011 - 2017)

Fr. Andrzej Sowa, OMI (2011 - 2017) He was born on January 24, 1962 in Lubliniec. Following the voice of his religious vocation, he entered the Oblate novitiate at the Holy Cross. He made his first religious vows in 1982 in Obra. There he also studied philosophy and theology. In 1988 - before his priestly ordination - he worked in Poznań as a catechist. In 1990 he received the sacrament of Holy Orders and for the next five years preached retreats and parish missions in various parts of the country. In 1995 he came to Canada to give a Lenten retreat in Polish parishes. It was then that he noticed how important pastoral ministry is in the Polish diaspora and how useful his help can be in this respect. He asked his superiors for permission to stay in Canada. Soon after, he began studying English in Sturgis, Saskatchewan, and in 1996 he accepted the duties of vicar at St. Casimir Parish in Toronto. After three years, he was sent to Western Canada to work in Oblate parishes in Sturgis, Buchanan, Rama, Norquay and Rockorfd (for a short period also in Kamsack and St. Philip's. In 2005, he became pastor of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Mississauga, where he served for six years. And until August 2011, he is the pastor of our Holy Rosary Parish in Edmonton. So far, his priestly ministry in both Canadian and Polish communities has brought him a lot of joy. He fondly recalls the friendships he made, especially with those who, like him, are fascinated by contacts with nature. Parishioners, in turn, will probably remember his personal faith, devotion to the Mother of God, preaching and musical talents.
Fr. Andrzej Sowa, OMI (2011 - 2017)
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