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Parish Ministries

Liturgical ministry: lectors, cantors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, choirs, music groups and collectors.


The Eucharist is the godhead and pinnacle of every liturgical celebration. Therefore, altar ministry is essential to the liturgical life of the Church and the parish. Thus, with joy, we can ascertain that many of our parishioners are wholeheartedly involved in performing their saintly duties, especially as concerns the Holy Mass and thankfully, the liturgy, inspite of its simplicity, becomes beautiful and ceremonial. We have a good number of lectors and cantors of all ages who expressively read the biblical texts and who sing the psalms and other hymns with devotion. We have many Eucharistic ministers who help the priests distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful.

Special mention needs to be given to the altar servers, both boys and girls, who have just recently received their new attire for serving so that they are better able to fulfill their service with devotion and fervour.

The Parish Choir, the children’s choir and the musical-vocal Youth group diversify and enrich our parish liturgies especially on holy days and feasts.

Also, essential is the service provided by the collectors who collect the monetary offerings of the faithful earmarked for various financial needs of our parish, the Archdiocese or the world.