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St. Teresa’s Mission Circle

St. Teresa’s Mission Circle was founded by the late pastor Father Klita, on the 18th of February 1977. Father Klita invited the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, the executive of the Ladies Sodality and its members and interested parishioners to set up this Mission Circle. The Late Mrs. Cecylia Solikowski was chosen as the chairperson, Mrs Wladyslawa Gegecki – the vice chairperson, Mrs Cecilia Makowski – the treasurer, Sister Kornelia Pardula – the secretary, Sister Humilitas Pardula – was responsible for sending parcels to the Cameroun and Sister Miriam Ambroska who was responsible for singing, decorations and pamphlets. The principal goal of St. Teresa’s Mission Circle is to help the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate and the Oblates who work in the northern part of Cameroun in Africa. Money was sent to purchase medicine, refrigerators, sewing machines and a car. Money was sent also to finance the building of a chapel and a water well and to feed and educate the orphaned children in the missions. Besides the Cameroun Missions, financial help has also been given to the Oblates and the Sisters Servant of Mary Immaculate who work in Madagascar, Belarus and the Ukraine. This Mission Circle has supported and still supports Holy Rosary Parish, the radio program “Aniol Panski”, the Youth Group who meet the Pope in WYD, KUL, the Magda Tomczak Foundation, Sisem Day Care Center, the Seminary in Obra in Poland and so on. Money to support the missions is raised through the “White Elephant” tables, sales of “paczki”, coffees, the lottery, 50/50, sale of Christmas and Easter cards, as well as calendars and donations from parishioners and friends of this Mission Circle, also years ago St Teresa's MIssion Circle participated in Edmonton’s “Heritage Days” to raise funds for the missions. In 2017, St Teresa’s Mission Circle will be celebrating its 40 years of service to the missions. Its current chairperson is Miss Elizabeth Szynkowski.

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