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Parish Organizations

Rosary Sodality
The Rosary Sodality that exists in our parish is an offshoot of Poland's Living Rosary Circles. This organization was set up and started in 1933. It is twenty years younger than our parish and will be celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2013. In the beginning, there were 12 rosary circles each with 15 members to correspond to the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary. The first and most essential goal of the Rosary Sodality is to spread the glory of Mary as the Queen of the most holy rosary and to obtain her protection and help for God's children who were redeemed by the blood of her Divine Son. Every day each member is required to recite one decade of the rosary and, thanks to this, each rosary circle can offer their Mother and Queen an entire rosary every day. In 2002 when Pope John Paul II introduced the fourth mystery of the rosary, called the Mysteries of Light, it became necessary to reorganize the rosary circles to ensure that 20 members were in each group. Presently, a decline in the numbers of rosary circles can be seen because some members have died and many live in nursing homes, but their health does not always permit them to fulfill knowingly their required rosary commitment. New devoted members are most urgently needed. Therefore, all parish women who still are not members of the Rosary Sodality are requested to consider joining and increasing our parish's rosary circles. Of course, this matter also concerns men as there is nothing to prevent the existence of rosary circles of men praying the rosary together. Apparently such rosary circles already exist in many other parishes. Our holy Mother, in her apparitions, encourages everyone to recite the rosary not just women. It is also important to emphasize that the Rosary Sodality actively participates in the liturgical life of our parish in terms of devotions and processions in connection with feasts and holidays commemorated throughout the year. Whenever possible, the Rosary Sodality members make “pierogi” and bake cakes to raise money to help the Parish financially and to help with costs in renovating and beatifying our church. The present chairperson of the Rosary Sodality is Mrs. Maria Stelmach.
Good Shepherd Prayer Group
The "Good Shepherd" prayer group at Holy Rosary Parish was established in 1995 based on the initiative of Grazyna Maslowski, with the support of Father Stanislaus Kowal, the pastor at the time. This group exists for 18 continuous years, and with other organizations and associations operating at the parish, contributes to the enrichment of parish life. Currently, the group consists of people with a few or several years of experience in it. They are the backbone of the group. Courtesy of the local priests, the group meets once a week, in the hall of the church for a prayer vigil. Currently, the group meets on Wednesday's after the evening mass, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. New members are always welcome, and the door of our prayer room is open to everyone willing to participate in one or many meetings. Our meetings consist of worship of God, who is the perpetrator of all in all of us. This is done through: the rosary prayer, singing, prayer of thanksgiving, and reading and meditating on Scripture. For some time now, each member, in turn, is involved in the preparing the prayer meeting. This allows everyone to participate actively and openly in the prayer meeting. The purpose is to bring each individual's contribution to the development and life of the prayer group. It is worth mentioning, that the members also engage in other types of group "prayer ministry" such as conducting prayer meetings in the hospital or in private homes, and for the sick who request such prayers. Several times we have led the first - Friday adoration in our parish. In 2003, our group took part in the music festival "Sacrosong", organized at Holy Rosary parish. In the same year, a significant part of our group went on the prayer pilgrimage to Medjugorje. "You did not choose me, but I chose you," said Jesus to his apostles. We believe that He also speaks to each of us. Jesus, the Good Shepherd is the patron of our community prayer who sometimes leads us through the "dark valley" but we do not fear because He is always with us. Thank you, Jesus!
St. Teresa’s Mission Circle
St. Teresa’s Mission Circle was founded by the late pastor Father Klita, on the 18th of February 1977. Father Klita invited the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, the executive of the Ladies Sodality and its members and interested parishioners to set up this Mission Circle. The Late Mrs. Cecylia Solikowski was chosen as the chairperson, Mrs Wladyslawa Gegecki – the vice chairperson, Mrs Cecilia Makowski – the treasurer, Sister Kornelia Pardula – the secretary, Sister Humilitas Pardula – was responsible for sending parcels to the Cameroun and Sister Miriam Ambroska who was responsible for singing, decorations and pamphlets. The principal goal of St. Teresa’s Mission Circle is to help the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate and the Oblates who work in the northern part of Cameroun in Africa. Money was sent to purchase medicine, refrigerators, sewing machines and a car. Money was sent also to finance the building of a chapel and a water well and to feed and educate the orphaned children in the missions. Besides the Cameroun Missions, financial help has also been given to the Oblates and the Sisters Servant of Mary Immaculate who work in Madagascar, Belarus and the Ukraine. This Mission Circle has supported and still supports Holy Rosary Parish, the radio program “Aniol Panski”, the Youth Group who meet the Pope in WYD, KUL, the Magda Tomczak Foundation, Sisem Day Care Center, the Seminary in Obra in Poland and so on. Money to support the missions is raised through the “White Elephant” tables, sales of “paczki”, coffees, the lottery, 50/50, sale of Christmas and Easter cards, as well as calendars and donations from parishioners and friends of this Mission Circle, also years ago St Teresa's MIssion Circle participated in Edmonton’s “Heritage Days” to raise funds for the missions. In 2017, St Teresa’s Mission Circle will be celebrating its 40 years of service to the missions. Its current chairperson is Miss Elizabeth Szynkowski.
Knight of Columbus